"Imagine starting your life's work at seventy-two". This is from The Paper Garden, a biography of Mary Granville Pendarves Delaney, by Molly Peacock. In 1772, at the age of seventy-two, Mrs. Delaney discovered the art of working with papers and created collage art. She made the most gorgeous collage flowers, so lifelike that at first glance, people thought they were real. She was a fascinating woman who led quite an amazing life in England and Ireland. Until now, it was Grandma Moses who was my role model. She began painting at the age of fifty-seven. I've passed that age and now have a new role model. It is never too late, and you are never too old to explore new vistas and to discover new facets of yourself. I am at a most exciting next chapter in my life. I have little babies to play with and my art to passionately dive into. As Peacock says "A life's work is always unfinished and requires creativity till the day a person dies. Even if you've managed major accomplishments throughout your life and don't really need a model for making a mark, you do need one for enriching an ongoing existence." I pass this along because I so strongly believe that life is constantly unfolding and if you engage, you will flourish.

Rosa gallica - Mary Delaney
I have just begun another wonderful Jane Davies on-line workshop. This one is monoprint collage. I had to make collage papers using the gelli plate and here are a few examples:
Also, take a look at my pinterest page:
https://www.pinterest.com/jsrd2/. I finally figured out how to post my own art. See, it's never too late!
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