Yesterday I received a very blunt e-mail from a gallery. "Please pick up your work, it is not selling and we need the wall space for other artists." I was confused because only a few weeks ago, the gallery owner was asking for more work. The e-mail came from one of her employees. I went in to pick up the paintings today and another woman who works in the gallery said she knew nothing about this and was very surprised. She was very kind and told me that she loved my work. I next went to bring some cards to another gallery I have work in and the first thing this gallery owner said was "I have wonderful news. We just sold three of your pieces!" After my initial disappointment with the e-mail, came the realization that I create because I love the process. I am not creating in order to sell my work or to gain recognition. If it sells that is wonderful. If not, I am okay. The past month has been challenging because of personal crises in my life and making art has been therapeutic and gratifying. Whatever you love to do, do it because it nurtures and expands you. With that intention, whatever your endeavors are, you will be successful. Do what you enjoy for you, not for what you think you will receive from the outside world.
I'm on to a new series. I love designing collaged dresses. Here are a few:
"Lady in Red"
"All of Me"
"Sophisticated Lady"